Thursday, December 13, 2012

An Absolute Doll

Well, I have completed my semester and decided to spend my now free time doing a little doodling! Now, I usually just draw up a mermaid or something, so it took a lot out of me today not to draw was hard. But, what I chose to replicate this time is so much better than mermaids and much, much cuter! I decided to sketch my precious little niece. This little angel took me 2.5 hours to complete.
The Beginning

Adding in the face

Almost there...

She is just too cute for words!! :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Hi! Just posting another sketch I did up the other day. At some point I want to paint her with watercolor...but for now she is just a pencil sketch. I think a nice loose look with that medium and bright colors will add a fresh, crisp and relaxed feel, which is what I think of when I think of a hula dancer. :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's Show Time!

Just some sketches I whipped up today in my free time. I was feeling a little...cabaret ;)

Show Girl #1

Show Girl #2

Blissfully Enchanting

No drawings in this post, but still artwork. I love to look through different artist's poems and see what they have been inspired to write. I thought these two were lovely.

"The moment I start painting,
I clearly see my soul-meditation
Is blessingfully clasping
My heart-aspiration-flames."
                                                -Sri Chinmoy

"True, in my Art I want to see
The face of earth's beauty.
But I want to see
The heart of Heaven's Divinity
More, infinitely more."
                                            - Sri Chinmoy

Beautiful pieces to reflect on.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tell Me a Story...

I know it's been a good while since I put something up, sorry! I haven't had time to really draw anything new, but I found this little piece tucked away in one of my portfolio's. It's not my best work, but I think the overall picture is just fun. Who wouldn't love to be in a magical forest with cool creatures, a large blue dragon, and polka dot mushrooms being read to by a fairy? I know I would!
Story Time
This picture can help me go back to a time when I actually read fairy tales and wasn't so busy with life! ;)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Blue Lagoon

I know it's been a very long time since I've posted, so here is a little something. Of course, a mermaid! Hopefully more will follow her soon ;)
Blue Lagoon Mermaid

Friday, February 10, 2012

School Project

Hello everyone!
I know I haven't posted in  a long while, but I haven't found a time to get away from the books...those darn things take away all my time ;)
Anyway...since I'm on the topic of school, I have decided to post a little something I had to design for one of my business classes. I had to prepare a Business Plan and my business was a Sportsman's Paradise. A lodging sort of place where people could go to relax, fish, hunt and do all that fun outdoorsy stuff. To help with the visuals, I designed this logo.
I was excited about the ending product...I didn't expect it to come out that nice, so I was pleasantly surprised ;)