Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Figure

Just a few sketches I did up today. I am absolutely loving the human body, it's an amazing subject to draw. No matter what position or how you compose the figure, there are always so many contours created by the muscle-which make for fascinating drawings!

Female Back

Male Dancers Legs

Saturday, February 2, 2013

It's Positive to be Negative

This post is of a project we had to do for my Figure Drawing class. We had to draw the "negative space" in our composition. So our model was holding a staff and had a furniture of some sort with him as positive space, our job was to draw everything else; therefore creating his figure as well as the other objects. This is an off-take of what we usually do, which is draw the positive space and do all of the details of the figure. It took a while for me to get used to the idea that all we were doing was a TON of shading! After the fact, I realized I should have made my positive space a bit larger because I had way to much to shade in!! ;)

The quality of the pictures is not that great, but at least you can get the idea.