Friday, July 22, 2011


Well, since I have slacked so very badly on my blog, I am having to cram another post in the same night! This one is far from mermaids though. At the college I attend, one of the first classes I took was an art class. Drawing I. I loved that class! It was wonderful. I was so bummed when the semester was over, but looked forward to the time where I would be able to take Drawing II.
 The semester came and I enrolled in Drawing II! I can't tell you how excited I was. To get back in the Arts department was a great feeling. It was a bit challenging, but it was completely worth it. The class really helped me grow as an artist, I learned so much in just those few weeks. The picture below was my first Conte Crayon-pastel picture of Drawing II. It was a small class, and the teacher was busy with her other class, so she had us drawing II students (4 of us) put together our own still life. And this is what we decided to draw.
Drawing # 1
The glass bottle and goblet as well as the racquet were my favorite to draw.
Our second assignment was an abstract one, which I was very excited about. I have always loved abstract art, yet I had never really "drawn" one, so this was a fun picture. We had to pick our colors, so I went with some vibrant and lively colors, colors that represent my character! 
Drawing # 2
Our third assignment was by far, one of my favorites. We had to draw a self portrait...yet a different self portrait. I had to compose a picture that would be able to tell any random person who I was. From this picture, someone was supposed to be able to read into who I was, yet I wasn't able to draw my face. How was I supposed to draw a self portrait without drawing my face? This whole self portrait yet no self portrait thing was a little too abstract for me!! This one had me stumped for a while. I was stuck in the mind set that a self portrait was a picture of my face...that was getting me nowhere. After searching and searching: looking through magazines and surfing the web and getting some great advice from my school mates I finally figured out what I was going  to do! 
Drawing # 3
Tada!! I decided to incorporate my life into this picture. Most of who I am is depicted right there. My nationality, music (cause I love music) art..of course ;) These are my hands in the painting. I drew my hands drawing the picture. One hand is holding a Conte Crayon and the other is holding another drawing tool. I was very pleased with the overall outcome of the portrait.
Drawing # 4
Drawing numero cuatro! (I know..there are quite a few!) This picture was a very fun one to draw. It was an interesting assignment, nothing I had expected at all. My teacher came in with a 8x11 piece of paper, and on that sheet of paper was a little sketch. On the left side (edge of the paper) was a straight line that made a column. Then around the middle of the paper was a line that came out from the column, dipped down in a elongated "U" shape then back up and finished the line. It was the outline of a sink. What we had to do was create a picture from that little sketch. This one didn't take me long to come up with, I was very excited about it. I envisioned an outdoor garden, just blooming with lush flowers and plants. This is what the outcome looks like. 

Drawing # 5
Ok, we are almost done, just one left!! This one here was probably one of my favorites! It just exudes who I am as a person. Bright, loud, and funky ;) Like I had mentioned before, I had never really drawn abstract, so this other assignment was extremely fun for me, even more so than the first because we had to cut out our pieces and paste them on to another surface. I first got a large and rather hard sheet of paper then divided it into four parts. Then I painted those four parts with black and white acrylic paint in a bubbled checkered pattern. Bubbled to create an illusion of depth. Just painting the sheet alone took me about a week. Once that was done, I started drawing my individual pieces of paper to then later on cut and paste them to the large checkered sheet. I had so many different perspectives I could have taken with this, but I decided to stick with my first creation. And WALA! A masterpiece was born....ok maybe not, but I like to thing so ;)
And that is it! Those are all of my Drawing II creations and their stories (the shoes up top are also mine). I will forever remember that class, I learned so much and had a wonderful time!

1 comment:

  1. Chase,
    Looks like the comment box is open...Hope it works for you.
